윤재성의 YTN 5분영어
  • 진행: 윤재성 / PD: 김혜민


번호 제목 다운로드
19 [5분영어] I'm not gonna let you do this to me right now. - 윤재성 5.19(화)
18 [5분영어] You looked engrossed. I didn't wanna disturb you. - 윤재성 5.18(월)
17 [5분영어] I got distracted. Something important came up. - 윤재성 5.17(일)
16 [5분영어] This is exactly why our marriage is not working. - 윤재성 5.16(토)
15 [5분영어] We have to keep them alive as long as possible. - 윤재성 5.15(금)
14 [5분영어] Dialing 911 for no reason is a serious offence. - 윤재성 5.14(목)
13 [5분영어] I’m thinking of changing the color of my hair. - 윤재성 5.13(수)
12 [5분영어] I've been having some trouble with my husband. - 윤재성 5.12(화)
11 [5분영어] I know what’s going on between you and mom. - 윤재성 5.11(월)
10 [5분영어] We can’t read you clearly. Can you repeat that?- 윤재성 5.10(일)
61 62 63 64  65 66 
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