윤재성의 YTN 5분영어
  • 진행: 윤재성 / PD: 김혜민


번호 제목 다운로드
279 [영어] I told you the control room is off limits. 2.3(수)
278 [영어] We put that fire out pretty quickly, didn't we? 2.2(화)
277 [영어] I’m not staying here. Take me with you. 2.1(월)
276 [영어] Until that time, this conversation is over. 1.31(일)
275 [영어] It would just be like putting gas on a fire. 1.30(토)
274 [영어] I'm still trying to find my way around. 1.29(금)
273 [영어] I don't know how I could ever thank you. 1.28(목)
272 [영어] What other explanation can you think of? 1.27(수)
271 [영어] Just leave me alone and I'll find my son without you. 1.26(화)
270 [영어] You're breaking up. I can hardly hear you. 1.25(월)
31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38  39 40 
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