윤재성의 YTN 5분영어
  • 진행: 윤재성 / PD: 김혜민


번호 제목 다운로드
379 [영어] All I ask is for one small favor in return. 5.13(금)
378 [영어] I'm off to a meeting. Ladies, so please hold all my calls. 5.12(목)
377 [영어] She’s just gonna think that you're giving up on her. 5.11(수)
376 [영어] You each need to be responsible for your own work. 5.10(화)
375 [영어] I can teach you how to survive your job. 5.9(월)
374 [영어] Your 5 o’clock has been rescheduled for tomorrow at 3. 5.8(일)
373 [영어] His shoes, shirt and socks were all found frozen solid in a park. 5.7(토)
372 [영어] Go back to your lab and get me something other than a theory. 5.6(금)
371 [영어] Errors in judgment were made in the name of greed and personal glory. 5.5(목)
370 [영어] Don't tell them who I am or you'll never see your son alive again.5.4(수)
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28  29 30 
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