윤재성의 YTN 5분영어
  • 진행: 윤재성 / PD: 김혜민


번호 제목 다운로드
559 [영어] We had a minor incident but we are moving again. 11.8(화)
558 [영어] Are you the officer they sent over from New York? 11.7(월)
557 [영어] Stay where you are. I have a car sent to get you. 11.6(일)
556 [영어] Listen to me. Whatever you do. Do not go outside. 11.5(토)
555 [영어] I'm sorry but this is really none of your business. 11.4(금)
554 [영어] You are a really bad lier. What are you guys up to? 11.3(목)
553 [영어] Since I talk too much, my voice is gone. 11.2(수)
552 [영어] Me and your mom, we are always gonna be friends. 11.1(화)
551 [영어] I'm so happy to here that you like my gift. 10.31(월)
550 [영어] I don't wanna make you late for your meeting. 10.30(일)
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 
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