• 청취차의견
* 본 게시판의 성격과 맞지 않는 근거없는 비방이나 광고성/도배성 게시물은 관리자가 임의로 삭제 할 수 있습니다.
To a head of YTN Radio homepage board/watching&listening people*!
작성자 : le*** 날짜 : 2010-02-01 19:19  | 조회 : 4914 
I'm leehyee20 simillar to the proposal of the YTN main homepage board!
Now you send to me your opinion after you were finding out that.
If you were simillar to that man,please you answer to me quickly!
That reason is my visit to YTN radio broad. this week!
My proposal is very important in the all my life,and because
I must just meet to them whoever I want to see.
Before you answer to me your introducing and your tel,no,email,after I go to see
you and say greeting ,,,our two, and go to the YTN homepage board customer
See you soon later,good bye,bye,,,!
cf) Please you must my visit affairs give to a head of Radiobroadcating production !
2010,02,01,Mon,pm7:13sending to you!*
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