윤재성의 YTN 5분영어
  • 진행: 윤재성 / PD: 김혜민


번호 제목 다운로드
599 [영어] Do we have any evidence to prove that he was lying? 12.18(일)
598 [영어] Do you ever tell him that you had a room mate? 12.17(토)
597 [영어] And you took me off a crime scene for this. 12.16(금)
596 [영어] At their age, they don't tell their mothers much. 12.15(목)
595 [영어] I was the first one to analyze it after collection. 12.14(수)
594 [영어] I’m looking for answers. I'm not pointing fingers. 12.13(화)
593 [영어] I’ve raised that girl since she was 2 years old. 12.12(월)
592 [영어] I think he’d like to get to know you better. 12.11(일)
591 [영어] Did you just ask me to be your vice president? 12.10(토)
590 [영어] I think we’ve crossed a line here. Where did you get this? 12.9(금)
1 2 3 4 5 6  7 8 9 10 
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